Picking the correct Yoga clothing

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Yoga

Some people really worry too much about finding the right yoga clothing, as they claim the complex postures require special wear too. Comfort for the sake of free movement remains the best way to qualify the features of different types of yoga clothing: thus the clothes should allow a free blood flow and remain pleasant to wear during all the complex asanas. Light cotton is the best fabric available from this point of view.

Don't be afraid to wear shorts. These yoga clothing items serve you in more ways than you thinkFirst they help you stay cooler during intense physical exercises, but they also enable the wearer to have a good view of the feet, ankles and knees for their proper alignment. Socks and shoes are allowed but most of the time yoga is practiced barefoot; yet, sometimes you may have to comply with the rules of the tutor concerning this aspect.

The recommendations of the trainer may be welcome for the choice of the right yoga clothing, particularly since you also need to consider the specificity of the yoga practice too. Mats are surely an accessory to match with rest of the wear, and they are usually a must-have element for the postures. Buying yoga clothing just to stay fashionable to cost you quite a lot; casual sports clothes could often do if you choose them carefully and in accordance with the specifics of the activity.

Yoga clothing is most easily available on the Internet since regular shops may not include this kind of items, and lots of online retailers provide a pretty wide range of accessories in addition to the yoga shirts and pants. These all have to be light and loose so as to allow ample moves without any hindrance. Both the pants and the shirts can prove suitable for other sports like martial arts, aerobics, dance and Pilates.

You'll find yoga clothing available for different ages and both genders; thus, kids and adults alike can enjoy higher flexibility and comfort levels. Fell free to combine shirts and shorts, halter tops and pants, and even add shoes if you can. Although cotton dominates the rest of the materials for yoga clothing, fleece and lycra are equally popular.

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Types of Tantra yoga

June 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Yoga

So far, Tantra yoga has been the most misunderstood type of yoga practiced in the western world. In its purest manifestation, Tantra yoga grew out of the ancient Indian culture and it aimed at helping people reach the form of non-duality along the most sacred of paths. The present-day sexual concept of Tantra yoga is in fact a defilement of the sacred essence of the practice that results from the mis-translation of some Indian texts by people with little experience in the domain. The difficulty came from the abundance of metaphors used in Tantra yoga teachings particularly owing to the fact that they described experiences that had to be experienced individually as consciousness forms.

Tantra yoga insists on the heart focus and the perception of the world through the experience of love and harmony that are also common concepts to taoist Chinese philosophy and to the biblical texts. Various divisions can be identified within Tantra yoga too, and this is obvious in the Tibetan Tantra yoga school and its teaching. In Tibet, the practice of Tantra yoga grew only in the monastic environment most of the time and it got to be explained on paper in very much the way it was expressed in speech.

Tantra yoga advocates that the path to be followed is that which combines the love-heart, the will-hand and the wisdom-head in one harmonious whole. It all starts with love and the practice of Tantra yoga stresses the importance of the becoming process rather than the achievement of the goal. The sexual connotations added to Tantra yoga represent a corruption of the pure practice thus, instead of the balancing of the yin and yang within each of us, Tantra yoga is believed to seek the union with another person.

You should choose guidance in the secrets of Tantra yoga very cautiously since lots of so-called yoga masters are far from being accomplished in the practice. According to tradition, only one who has gone a long way on the path to spiritual awakening can reveal the secrets and instruct a trainee. In terms of overall goal, like the art of yoga in general, Tantra aims at the spiritual awakening of any being and the fulfillment that comes from enjoying liberation at all levels of existence.

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Kriya yoga styles

June 17, 2009 by  
Filed under Yoga

Kriya yoga is a mix of Karma, Jnana and Bhakti yoga styles combined in a very complex form. The word kriya describes effort or transformation. Kriya yoga was introduced to the modern world by master Lahiri Mahasaya during the 19th century. Nevertheless, Kriya yoga is, according to some scriptures, much older than that. It was actually identified in the Bhagavad-Gita which is considered to be more than 3000 years old. Devotion to God, self-discipline of the body and mind as well as a strict daily program represent the main principles for Kryia yoga practice. In order for a student to learn the specificity of this yoga technique, the presence of a guru is a must-meet condition.

Kriya yoga has changed the lives of people in search of a deeper, more spiritual relationship with their essence. Focusing more on the Kundalini awakening, it is a meditation technique which teaches a series of esoteric principles. Nevertheless, it also preaches the fact that one's power lies outside of oneself, that one needs a guru, or master, to access this innate spiritual life. There are several aims in Kriya yoga, among which the elimination of the separation line between mind and body.
An analysis of the three styles that meet in Kriya yoga is necessary for an understanding of the history and underlying principles of the practice. Thus, Karma yoga focuses on the movement of the soul the inner and the outer mind dimension; Jnana yoga stresses the wisdom, allowing the mind to be free, while Bhakti yoga centers on love, and how it allows one to come to terms with everything around oneself. The combination of these three principles aims at purifying the mind and the soul. Consequently, Kriya yoga practitioners believe they can achieve self-fulfillment this way rather than follow other disciplines.

There are some stages to go through before practicing Kriya yoga. First of all, the body needs to be ready, and Hatha yoga exercises are integrated in the practice for this very purpose. Then, the mind needs preparation too. Mantras are uttered in Kriya yoga techniques so as to enhance the meditative experience. It is said in Bhagavad-Gita that the aim of one who practices Kriya yoga is to look for and, hopefully, reach the Supreme Goal (Samahdi), by withdrawing from the external phenomena, by controlling one's sensory mind and intellect, and by banishing desire, fear and anger.

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Yoga clothing

June 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Yoga

The necessity of yoga wear is not apparent, practice proves that the comfortable clothes especially designed to be worn during yoga classes make a difference from the t-shirt and training suit you'd normally use in sports. The need for the yoga clothes is justified if we think how the mind can relax only when the body is comfortable. There are some features that such clothing share above other things: first of all, yoga wear should leave space for maneuvers, as body gets into unique positions during the asanas.

You can choose from two types of yoga wear items: loose cotton clothes or stretchable elastic ones. The problem with the latter is that they may not absorb perspiration as well as the cotton ones and you may start to feel uncomfortable while performing the asanas. The idea is to feel good and then be concerned about the look because relaxation represents the first goal one expects and accomplishes with yoga practice. Softness represents one other element that influences the choice of the yoga wear.

Sometimes the yoga wear needs matching the kind of exercises you are going to perform. A practice like Bikram yoga which is also called hot yoga, which will surely go well with some light tops and very comfortable shorts. Yoga wear color, diversity is possible here too, light shades are the most welcome since they are in accordance with the relaxed state of mind necessary for the yoga session. It could be bothersome for the rest of the people in your yoga class to open the eyes on a bright red top, for instance. White, pale yellow, beige, light blue, lavender and even black are suitable, but in the end you are free to choose.

Some shops that deal only in yoga wear provide various collections of practical and decorative items to be used for yoga sessions. Sometimes a comparison between a yoga top and a regular top you buy from another retailer shows no differences at all, except in the price. Actually you may have the surprise to see that yoga wear is on occasions more costly than regular clothing items. Lots of yoga wear offers are advertised on the Internet and you can really make some good deals if you have enough patience to look for discounts.

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The story of Weight Loss Twin, Jim Germanakos

George Germanakos, dad of the famous Weight Loss Twins,  used to often point out and tell his sons, "The only way to get something done is to get it started." Imagine how pleased and proud he would have been if he'd lived long enough to see his twin boys, Bill and Jim, diet and exercise their way to victory on series four of the enormously popular NBC weight-loss series The Biggest Loser. You'll be surprised to hear, it was not always exactly like that, though Jim Germanakos has always been a big fan of the tv show. Jim's a NY cop and a big family man. Up to two years before, when his shifts permitted he would sit on the settee before the television chewing away on high calorie comfort snacks, soaked up by the tales of the weight loss competitors, but not really concerned about his own 295lb ever expanding frame. However that was prior to his own "ahaa" time, before he was one half of the famous Weight Loss Twins.

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Types of Yoga routines

June 12, 2009 by  
Filed under Yoga

Yoga routines usually refer to the amount of exercises that one integrates in the life style pattern on a daily basis. Most of the time, by yoga routines we imply the workout created to prepare both body and spirit and thus lead to great physical and mental health. Yoga trainers insist that the yoga routines be developed starting from daily practice. The immediate benefits of yoga routines include a better anatomical flexibility and a peace of mind that improves the concentration and work capacity. The creation of a yoga routine is not immediately achieved and it usually takes time but once you set it going, you'd better stick to it.

It is a common fact that beginners find it more difficult to develop yoga routines, as complex exercise performance results from practice and lots of patience. The individual physical structure has a lot to do with the challenges of the yoga poses; for instance, plumper people will have to work more. Therefore, for such a case, the first stage is preparatory for the creation of the yoga routines: weight loss, vegetarian diet, lots of physical exercises and proper hydration. The process will often last longer than expected but with enough perseverance it can be done. Hence, fat yoga practitioners are a rarity given the physical demands of the practice.

Yoga routines develop in time, and it is of paramount importance to keep this in mind. Then, one starts with the easiest postures and gradually upgrade the difficulty level as the body stretches and the muscles and the joints warm. Sometimes the yoga routines insist on one body part only, but it doesn't happen too often. Another initial step is the mastery of relaxation, breathing and meditation that allow the body to become more workable when supported by a peaceful state of mind.

Last but not least, the choice of the setting is also crucial when practicing yoga independently. You can either select a natural corner where you will have plenty of peace or a well-aired room, isolated from noise and eventually relying on a relaxation music background. Do not practice in the same room with TV sets, phones and other electronic equipment if you know they can ruin the relaxation state necessary for the correct performance of the asanas. And last but not least, try to begin and end the yoga routines with a set of movements that you treat like a ritual, as you will get more rapidly in the harmony state specific to the postures.

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Different Yoga poses

June 9, 2009 by  
Filed under Yoga

Anyone joining a yoga class for the first time is impressed by the large number of yoga poses needed for the beginning level alone. Surely, things are taken progressively, with the instructor starting by naming the yoga poses and explaining them one by one while also giving a personal example. The benefits that result from the full practice are manifold, from health improvement and body mobility to superior stress management and the ability to control and understand the inner workings of the self. Yoga gives offers many rewards when practiced on a constant basis, particularly if it implies a balance not only over the body but over the mind in particular.

Another name for the yoga poses is asanas, and each of them has a physical and mental dimension to it. Instructions for the execution of various yoga poses are given in books, e-guides, on Internet sites and magazines. Asanas work for almost all the body parts, and usually the trainer will indicate the most intense point of physical stress. For further clarification consider the fact that depending on the yoga variant practiced, the performance of the asanas varies, given the fact that some yoga schools have created their own specific postures.

Besides the physical capacity to perform yoga poses, one also needs to grow the balance and the concentration ability, since the physical is just one side of the practice that gets complete by the spiritual dimension only. By the breathing and relaxation techniques you'll learn how to ignore the difficulty of a posture as well as the disturbing elements in the background. Once you get into the yoga poses, it is important to maintain them for a specific period of time.

The practice of yoga poses in the absence of professional guidance and help could turn into a threat to the practitioner's physical and spiritual health and could result in injuries. Therefore, starting yoga practice with the instructions from books or Internet sites is dangerous and should therefore be avoided. Beginners have to be under the direct guidance of a trainer, with the mention that the beginner stage can often extend way beyond a year of practice. The complexity of the yoga poses will increase with every advance you make on the way, but progress is usually slow as one learns to push the limits of body and mind.

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Starting the kids on Yoga

June 7, 2009 by  
Filed under Yoga

Part of an educational formula, yoga for kids helps the young ones cope with stress in the best of ways. If in India the practice of yoga often begins at small ages as part of the tradition, in the western society it is the choice of parents who want such a kind of activity for their siblings. The very good part about it results from the possibility of the children to develop self-awareness and get in touch with their inner part a lot sooner and better than an adult. Yoga for kids teaches mind and body control as well as it helps create good behavioral patterns.

Presently, some schools include yoga for kids as an additional curricular activities, but most of the time classes are independent. Just like dance and karate courses, yoga for kids can be easily squeezed in the child's daily program. Therapists point out the fact that yoga has brought the germs of recovery in the case of hyperactivity or deficit disorder cases. Since with these disorders, kids constantly crave movement, yoga helps to the channeling of these impulses in non-destructive ways. Calm, balance and self-confidence are the great outcomes to result from yoga-for-kids programs.

Moreover, since yoga classes involve working in a community, children develop team skills while working to get in the poses. A good advantage of young bodies is that the anatomical flexibility makes the postures a lot easier to achieve; adults on the other hand need to work a lot more to reach the mobility level necessary to practice yoga. Although the physical part is not that challenging, a major obstacle comes from meditation and relaxation, particularly because kids enter such states more difficultly. Therefore, visualization proves the best way of helping young and grown up yoga trainees learn how to relax.

The names of the postures in yoga for kids classes allow children to learn them more easily. Thus, postures have clever names like bridge, cobra, mountain, cat, dog and so on; the children will actually make their best to become any type of time traveler even if only for a short while. Moreover, trainers never push the practice of yoga for kids to the limit of pain, as the activity wouldn't be that attractive with an extra pressure.

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DVD to help with Yoga

June 5, 2009 by  
Filed under Yoga

In the western perception, yoga practice represents a way to evade from the material, stressful rhythm of a daily life ruled by money. Thus, a yoga class can very well become an oasis of tranquility and peace, a refuge from the crazy rhythm of the day. People who do not have the time or the possibility to join a yoga group and attend it regularly, have other options to discover the principles of yoga, such as through a yoga DVD course. There are all sorts of DVDs available on the market addressing the different needs of people: there is yoga for beginners, yoga for traveling, yoga for pregnancy, yoga for good health, complete yoga workout, yoga for disease curing and many others.

Despite the advantages one cannot ignore the downside of a yoga DVD; to set things clear from the very beginning, the quality of the instructions in a video cannot compete with the superiority of face-to-face instructions. In direct sessions the instructor can point out and correct what you do wrong in a posture and you can get answers to the unclear things, whereas a DVD doesn't have exactly these benefits that result from direct interaction. Probably this is also the explanation for the basic knowledge level that can be reached with a yoga DVD; you'll learn about breathing techniques, meditation, relaxation and other sorts of beginner stuff.

It is not unusual to hear about injuries developed by people while practicing some posture with a yoga DVD. This is also the reason why experts do not recommend this kind of materials because of the risks careless practice poses to one's health. There is one category of yoga practitioners who really benefit from the use of a yoga DVD, and these are trainers, teachers and yoga interns. They have already reached a certain knowledge level and have a different way of grasping the instructions about some new yoga postures.

Last but not least, some trainers choose to use a yoga DVD as an education material for parts of their sessions, but the applications as such vary according to the structure of the course and the approach the instructor makes. If you have less than six months of yoga practice, then it is safer not to rely on a yoga DVD to work out exercises alone. Even between six months and a year, you may still experience difficulties when trying to apply one technique or another; therefore do not push your limits unwisely, and remember that yoga is about something else.

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Types of clothing for Yoga

June 2, 2009 by  
Filed under Yoga

Are you interested in fashionable yoga clothes? How do they match with yoga principles? The truth is that yoga is on the forefront of practices meant to awaken mankind to a new age of spirituality, but in the western mind the body and soul have been seen as separate for such a long time that the way back to a different perspective is pretty sinuous. On normal terms, one shouldn't care how one looks while practicing yoga, the clothes in themselves are of little importance for your achievements, but some trainees really want to combine good looks with the yoga spiritual revolution. And this explains the preference for special yoga clothes.

Spirituality doesn't necessarily have to exclude fashion, although there seems to be a contradiction. Well, if we looked deeper into the matter we'd surely identify one. Is one distracted by the fashion aspect of the yoga clothes while performing the asanas? This could very well happen if you are too keen on good looks and dislike even the sweat ruining them. Here are a few tips to identify the really good yoga clothes with the mention that the fashion issue remains a matter of personal choice and there are no clear cut rules to influence selection criteria.

Softness and quality of fabric are the first two elements to make a difference in the yoga clothes choice. The body postures will prove extremely soliciting and the clothes have to allow for ample movements while also eliminating the discomfort of perspiration. This is why cotton is favored over any other material for yoga clothes since no other material can absorb a higher amount of perspiration. Synthetic fabrics make another possible choice, they are usually lighter, not to mention that the drying rate could be better than for cotton.

Some yoga clothes producers use a combination of synthetic and natural fibers for parts of their collections. The truth is that you can bring your individual yoga clothes purchased from casual wear stores; if you feel comfortable and you practice yoga successfully, then it is unimportant whether you wear a brand name or not. Most of the times the purchase of yoga clothes remains one other way to stay fashionable while preserving a certain self-image. It's entirely up to you!

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