
Many studies say that aerobic exercises are not recommended because these cannot fully pave the way for permanent weight loss and weight control. However, there are studies that also show that aerobics can bring some short-term benefits like being a powerful motivator, not only in losing weight but also in living healthy for good.

While some physicians say that it is okay to diet for a fast weight loss if the person's health wouldn't be compromised or affected, with aerobic exercises, there is no need to worry since the person will more or less dictate the phase of the process.

Weight loss through diet can be effective if it's only used for initial weight loss because this can lead to having balanced diet. But, weight loss through aerobic exercises can ensure that you don't only follow a reasonable eating plan but you also have a regular activity so that you would not regain the weight that you lost.

Although some weight loss strategies are effective, it still doesn't change the fact that engaging into it without preparation is hazardous to health. Unlike when you engage in aerobic exercise where you don't only have the chance to lose weight but you can also improve the conditions of your heart and lungs through the proper utilization of oxygen in the body.

Boosting the potentials of aerobics in controlling weight

But even with aerobic exercise, there are still factors that will keep you from controlling your weight. Two of the reasons why people become obese are emotional eating and their inability to keep doing an activity such as aerobic exercise on a regular basis. Some of the key factors that trigger emotional eating and the lost of interest in controlling weight include anger, depression, and anxiety that lead to eating more food and being lax when it comes to physical activities.

Experts say that if a person can manage emotional eating by learning to deal with their emotions in a different way, the possibility of achieving weight loss in no time will be greater. Here are some tips in combating emotional eating and the sudden loss of interest in controlling weight:

1. It pays to determine your own mood especially before eating. Doing this will give you a mindset that eating is just an escape so that you can forget whatever is bothering you.

2. Analyze and monitor your emotions daily. Checking your emotional levels daily can help you trace the reasons why you indulge in emotional eating and why you lose the drive to go on with your aerobic exercise. This can also help you fight the urge to overeat when you get emotionally upset.

3. Try to develop new hobbies that will take your mind off from eating food or by being lazy. By keeping yourself busy with other things, you can avoid eating large amount of food on a regular basis.

4. Make simple aerobic exercises such as walking or jogging regularly. Physical exertions can help your body burn unnecessary and unwanted calories. Thus, this can help you control your weight in no time.

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More and more people are now into controlling their weights because of the hazards that obesity brings to their overall health and wellp-being. One of the most common forms of controlling weight these days is the aerobic exercise.

Through the years, aerobic exercises have become one of the most popular means of controlling weight to most overweight people in the world. Although there are seemingly countless testimonies of its effects, many experts agree that there are also side effects when controlling weight is not administered properly.

Aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, swimming, and skiing can be considered the easiest ways to do regular exercises every single day. However, people who are controlling weight should also seek professional help in doing this exercise since it may lead to prolonged hunger, depression, reduced sex drive, fatigue, irritability, fainting, sinus problems, muscle loss, rashes, bloodshot eyes, gallbladder diseases, and loose folds of skin. Aside from that, special medical cases also prohibit people from engaging in aerobic exercise especially when it is related to certain medical conditions.

Still, most special diets require some form of exercise. Usually, these diets include, exclude, or regulate a set of certain chemicals especially from the foods that have these chemicals. These diets are given to people that have chronic diseases such as diabetes and other illnesses such as epilepsy, celiac disease, kidney diseases, and also those who are lactose-intolerant. Other specific types of diet to control weight include low-fat diets, low-carbohydrate diet or Atkins Diet, natural diets, vegetarian diet, and very low calorie diet.

How to complement aerobic exercises

One of the effective means of achieving health and fitness is teaching a person to manage or control his or her weight. This is because a controlled weight simply means that one was able to learn how to eat balanced meals, healthy foods, and have a regular set of exercise needed to stay fit and healthy.

If you are one of those who have decided to use this as a form to lose weight and achieve long term health benefits, the following are some of the ways that one can control his or her weight with the help of aerobic exercises:

- don't rush when eating. Taking your time while eating can help you relish the food's flavors well and also helps your body to adjust to the food eaten. Once the satiety signal is sent to your brain, you can now eat smaller amounts of food.

- eat more at daytime and eat less at nighttime. To achieve optimum health and fitness, it is best if you develop the practice of eating bigger meals daytime to have enough time to burn the whole day. At nighttime, people who are controlling their weight should eat smaller meals at nighttime so you can balance the body's metabolism and burn the unwanted fats and calories.

- load up with lots of fluids, especially water. Dehydration makes a person lose appetite and can make him or her lose so much weight which can be harmful to one's overall health. In order to prevent dehydration especially in doing aerobic exercises, a person is advised to drink lots of fluid, especially water.

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Wading In Water Aerobics

Physical activities like walking, running, dancing and swimming can be considered aerobics. Aerobics are exercises which increase the heart rate and at the same time pump more oxygen into the blood vessels. There are different kinds of aerobic exercises which can be defined based on the equipment used in the workout program. Water aerobic workout is an example of an aerobic workout.

Water aerobics or aqua aerobics can also be referred to as waterobics. This kind of workout is usually performed in a swimming pool with waist-deep water. It could be in an indoor or outdoor pool, with water temperature of 82

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Understanding Step Aerobics

Aerobics have different types and forms. They can be defined or identified by the equipment used in the aerobic routine. Step aerobics use an elevated platform called the step bench. The elevated bench is usually about four to ten inches high. With step aerobics, the higher the elevation, the more endurance needed. Step aerobics is usually performed with music that has beat ranging from 125 to 140 beats per minute.

Step aerobics started as an extension of floor workouts when it was developed during late'80s. This kind of workout uses the basic step which means that a foot is stepped on the bench and followed by the other foot. The first foot will come down, followed by the second one. This is called the "basic step." There are different steps used with this kind of exercise. Some of these common moves are the corner knee, repeater knee, T-step, over-the-top, lunges, v-step, straddle down, L-step, split step and the I-step.

Step aerobics can be both performed in fitness centers and in homes. There are elevated benches which can be both in different fitness stores and at the same CDs and DVDs with different routines. When Jane Fonda released copies of her aerobic routines in the

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Step Aerobics

Aerobics, developed by Dr. Kenneth Cooper in the early seventies, had become one of today's most performed exercises. Aerobics (literally "with oxygen") is basically a form of exercise to improve one's overall fitness in muscular strength, flexibility and cardiovascular health.

One of today's more popular forms of aerobics exercises is called step aerobics, introduced at the start of the 90s. The new form is an innovation of the old aerobics routine, this time having a step (a raised contraption, 6 to 8 inches high) where the aerobics performer will step on or off from time to time.

The stepping rates (it usually starts at 120 per minute) and the height of the steps (6 to 8 inches) are adjusted according to the exerciser's needs and experience. These simple step-up, step-down aerobics are as beneficial as those of more intense movements, but less damaging to the joints.

Basic moves

The basic step involves stepping one foot first and then the other on top of the step, and stepping down on the floor using the same sequence of foot movements. There is a general agreement among aerobic enthusiasts that the "right basic" is stepping right foot up, then the left, and then stepping down to the floor with the right then the left foot.

For variations, instructors switch different moves within the sequence, like changing the "right basic" to the "left basic" without in-between moves. Usually, this is done by way of "tapping" the foot instead of shifting weights.

Another form of step is called "tap-free" or smooth step. This is done with the feet always alternating and without the confusing "taps". The "taps" can sometimes make learning difficult for new aerobics students.

The instructor usually plans beforehand when to insert a switching move that maintains the natural rhythm of moves to simulate the natural shifting of weights on both legs like in walking.

From the right basics, the instructor might insert a "knee up" (lifting a knee and during the return, switches the move to the other foot) and continue with the left basics.


Usually, a set prepared by the instructor consists of many different moves with different durations. This is executed together by the whole class and usually timed to 32 beats per set. This is done in such a way that the whole set can be switched and repeated in the other leg, mirror-like.

Basic level classes have simpler basic moves. Advanced classes sometimes incorporate dance elements like turns and stomps and whatever is in vogue.

Elements are strung together in two to three routines per class. One learns these routines in class, which will be performed at the end of the class. Most instructors offer several choices for every person's level of intensity or dance ability during the teaching of the routines.


Step aerobics helps burn calories and maintain weight. The amount of calories that are burned depend on the intensity, speed and the duration of the aerobic exercises.

Step aerobics helps in endurance, prevents cardiovascular diseases, and improves gait and balance. It also provides flexibility training to enhance joints movements.

Finally, step aerobics helps maintain good mental health because the workouts are fun and enjoyable, and sessions certainly releas stress. With a group session, a person's social life is enhanced as well.

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Long before aerobics exercises became a popular option to lose weight, the industry has come up with a variety of products and programs that bear the promise of losing weight easily. These weight loss products include pills, food supplements, dietary supplements—which can be organic or natural—and weight loss programs.

Since these products and programs lead to various physiological effects, more and more cases of side effects and deaths have been reported upon the use of these medicines or weight loss aids. These cases of side effects and death made experts in the world of nutrition advise obese people who would want to lose weight to go for easy, safe, and effective alternatives to these medicines. Such is aerobic exercises.

Important reminders

Now, more than ever, people are quite conscious over their weight issues because it affects not only a person’s physical appearance but his or her overall outlook in life. Seeing how obesity alters health and social lives, obese or morbidly-obese people are now becoming more determined to find the perfect weight loss strategies for them and are equally-determined to keep their ideal weight for good once they have achieved it.

Experts say that people who have finally decided to lose weight through aerobic exercises should know where to begin. One of the most important things to remember before losing weight is that the person should seek professional help first. It is a must that one chooses a responsible and safe weight loss program or plan carefully.

He or she must determine the real reason or reasons why she/he would want to lose weight. By determining and establishing the reason/s why one would want to lose weight, they can easily breeze through the program because they can use those reasons as motivations during the weight loss phases they are about to face. They must know it within themselves if they can truly and whole-heartedly commit to doing the things necessary for them to lose weight.

They must also look for a back up support system in case they can no longer manage weight control on their own and they must make sure that they are strong enough to deal with the possibility of failing if they do not achieve their desired weight or result in record time.

When exercise is not enough

Experts say that two of the most crucial factors that affect weight loss are food—or calorie—intake and the frequency of physical activities such as exercise.

Although it may seem easy to monitor calorie intake and exercise regularly, it is not always effective especially if the person doing it is not determined and disciplined enough. For a person to achieve their weight loss goals here are some important reminders to keep in mind:

- don’t ever skip regular meals since food nourishes the body. Dieting or cutting down on food intake cannot assure permanent weight loss because they will tend to eat more on their next meal and the meals after that.

- regulate the food intake because eating in smaller amounts or food portions will help one cut down on calorie and fat intake. Also, these small portions will help you a lot when doing simple aerobic exercises such as walking or jogging.

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One of the most popular means of losing weight ever since is aerobic exercises because of its long term benefits when it comes to overall health. Although many people are living testaments to the wonders of weight loss by dieting and cutting down on important nutrients, not all of these offer certain and desirable results like aerobic exercises can.

If you are one of those who are contemplating over losing weight, then now is the time to stop entertaining the thoughts on weight loss programs or diets. It is now time to conduct a little research first on aerobic exercises to help you understand how aerobics help you lose weight and achieve can long term health benefits.

Aerobics basics

Aerobics refer to doing an activity such as a physical exercise for a longer period of time but with lesser force and effort on the part of the one who is doing it. Simply put, aerobics exercises are those that allow a person to do multi-tasking such as carrying out a conversation while doing the exercise or engaging in simple yet productive activities.

The most common forms of aerobic exercises might include simple walking, jogging, swimming and even cross country skiing. To those who cannot carry on these simple exercises religiously on their own, they can try attending aerobic classes nearby where there is an instructor to lead them.

Experts say that before you engage in any activity such as aerobic exercises please make sure that you have reviewed its requirements well. Avoid choosing activities that would not suit your health and lifestyle conditions.

Also, make sure that you have visited a registered or licensed physician first before trying on aerobic exercises and before using any weight loss product that you think might complement your activity such as food supplements, herbs, or over-the-counter medications.

What can be done?

To ensure that aerobic exercises will work for you, take time off to read and understand various issues surrounding it. You can check the Internet where there are thousands of sites that will lead you into any information you want on aerobic exercise or ask a person who you know that did this before so you can ask for first hand tips and suggestions. It will also help if you:

- record your eating habits and patterns by keeping a food journal. Updating and monitoring your food and eating patterns will help you track down the reasons behind your weight gain. Asking for professional help from a registered dietitian will make the monitoring more valid.

- indulge and give in if you are craving for a specific food or dish since being not overly-restrictive with food or favorite treats can be awarding experience. By giving into these cravings you can totally avoid eating foods that are high in calories and fats.

- engage yourself in only one daily exercise such as walking

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More and more people who want to lose weight are into aerobic exercises because these are not so strenuous for them. Unlike other types of exercise where rigorous activities are needed to be able to achieve a desired weight, aerobics exercises give people an option to lose weight without too much pressure.

Experts say that two of the most crucial factors that affect weight loss are food

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Different Types Of Aerobic Exercises

Aerobics is one of the most popular types of exercises in the market. Its use of music, dance, equipment and other facilities have contributed to its popularity. Aerobic exercises are workouts that intend to increase the heart rate for a period of time. This would cause the body to have higher intake of oxygen which would result into better blood circulation, weight loss, faster calorie and fat burning.

Other physical activities can also be considered as aerobic workouts, like swimming, running, walking, jogging, and cycling. An aerobic exercise would start with a 5 to 10 minutes of warm-up stretching and exercises. After the warming-up, the routine proper would follow, lasting for about 20 to 30 minutes. The last part of the workout will be the cooling-down process.

There are different types of aerobic exercises for different levels of individuals. Skill, health and comfort are things to be considered when choosing what type of aerobic exercise would fit with the individual's needs and abilities. Some of the types are :

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Benefits Of Aerobic Exercise

We are always reminded that exercise could do wonders for the body. Aerobics, a kind of exercise which helps your body use more oxygen while maintaining your target heart range, can definitely help a person live longer and healthier. There are studies showing that 30 minutes of aerobics every day would benefit the body a lot.

Performing regular aerobic exercises would gradually make the heart larger. A bigger and larger heart would be able to provide more oxygenated blood which can be used by the muscles. This could also mean more energy whether for longer or shorter periods of exercise or physical activities.

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