Becoming aware and preventing heart disease
April 7, 2009 by Exercise, Health & Fitness
Filed under General Health & Fitness, Heart Disease
What takes the over 18 million people each year from this earth? It’s known as the silent killer. Yes, it’s heart disease and it’s the number one killer in all the world.
Would you believe that heart problems can begin during childhood? The only prevention to heart disease is living healthy from an early age and you should learn at home.
I’ve compiled a list of the things that you need to look out for so you can become aware and not have to be surprised by that horrible thing called a heart attack.
Here we introduce the term 'metabolic risk factors'. According to experts, the number of metabolic risk factors will determine a person's risk of coronary heart disease and other diseases related to plaque deposits, as well as Type 2 diabetes.
Experts say that there are a number of risk factors when it comes to being at risk for heart disease. These factors are categorized under the term ‘metabolic risk factors’.
Here are five metabolic risk factors:
1. Obesity in your Abdomen
2. Bad cholestoral, also described as High LDL
3. Good cholestoral, also described as Low HDL
4. Increased Blood Pressure
5. Increased Blood Glucose
According to those who study these risk factors, the more factors you have at risk the more likely it is that you will develop heart issues. By becoming aware of these risks now you will be able to learn how to increase your chances of having a healthy heart.
All of these risks can be assessed through a thorough blood test except for the abdominal obesity. This one must be measured physically by your waist size. Below is a list values that are healthy and ones that you want to follow.
• Your bad cholesterol should be less than 3.3 mmol/L
• Your total cholesterol should be less than 5.2 mmol/L
• Your Body Mass Index needs to be between 18.5 and 25
• The Triglycerides should be less than 1.7 mmol/L
• Your good cholesterol should be more than 1.3 mmol/L for women and more than 1.02 mmol/L for men
• Your Waist girth should be less than 35 inches for women and less than 40 inches for men
• Your Body Mass Index needs to be between 18.5 and 25
•Your Blood glucose should be 3.8 to 6.1 mmol/L before eating and less than 7.8 mmol/L two hours after you eat
• Your Blood pressure should be less than 130 / 80
• Here are some tips you can use to make sure you are on the right track to having a healthy heart.
• Do not smoke. Smoking cigarettes can and will make changes of having a heart attack increase.
• Exercise is considered to be one of the best things you can do. Experts suggest doing at least 30 minutes to 1 hour of exercise every day.
• Diet it also very important. Eat things like fiber to lower your cholesterol. Stay away from fats and sugars no matter how hard it may be. Consume more fruits and vegetables as well as beans and nuts.
• Keep your weight down and never allow your BMI to go over 30.
You now hopefully have a little more knowledge which can help you in taking the first steps to becoming aware and taking responsibility for your health.
Disclaimer: As always, consult your physician before taking on any new diets or exercises. This article is meant to inform and in no way tries to give medical advice.
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