November 17, 2010 by Exercise, Health & Fitness
Filed under Aerobics And Weight Loss
Today, more and more remedies are being offered in the market for those people who would want to lose weight. Among these are weight loss remedies come in the form of products, supplements, and programs. But if there is one thing that experts would consider the safest, it would be aerobic exercises.
Before you engage in any weight loss diet, product, or program, make sure that you have full comprehension of its effects and possible side effects to avoid going back to your form after you lose weight. Being knowledgeable about these products and the possible risks associated with it can give you an idea what are the products you can take in, diets you can engage in or programs you can enroll with.
Most studies show that diets that promote weight loss of more than two pounds weekly are not safe because it increases the possibility of serious health problems compared to gradual weight loss. Medical experts also agree that losing weight at a slower rate may reduce risks of health problems that are closely associated with rapid weight loss.
Also, fad diets and quick weight loss products available today do not only ignore but totally violates the basic principles of good nutrition and various dietary guidelines. Do not be overwhelmed with the promise of quick weight loss because any claims that a person can lose weight almost effortlessly are fabricated.
These are just some of the reasons why more and more experts recommend safe means of cutting down on weight such as aerobics. Since aerobic exercises entail doing a lesser effort in an activity for a longer period of time, many say that this could be an effective tool to achieve long term health benefits.
How to keep it up
Aside serious health risks and psychological impacts brought by futile dieting, improper weight loss through the use of non-prescribed weight loss products or diets that are not proven to be effective can bring depression plus a weakened immune system. This is why experts strongly recommend safe means of being fit and slim through aerobic exercises.
Many say that losing weight can be frustrating but a rewarding feat once you have achieved your ideal weight and figure. To help you keep up the weight that you have lost in simple aerobic exercises, here are some things that you need to debunk:
- "Low Carb Diet" is the only way for you to lose weight. This is probably one of the biggest lies being promoted by the people of weight loss industry today since by cutting out all carbo and starches will only result to lack of nutrition needed by the body especially by the muscle tissues; and
- A lot of time is needed to work a weight loss program into your schedule. If you think that you cannot handle your weight loss all by yourself, then opt enrolling in a safe and responsible weight loss option such as aerobic classes that can fit into your schedule then you can even do other things for yourself.
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The Need For Aerobics
November 10, 2010 by Exercise, Health & Fitness
Filed under Aerobics And Weight Loss
Aerobics had been a worldwide phenomenon since the 80s, and most of the world knows about it. For the uninitiated, Dr. Kenneth Cooper (its developer) submitted the official definition to the Oxford English Dictionary.
Accordingly, aerobics is defined as "a method of physical exercise for producing beneficial changes in the respiratory and circulatory systems by activities which require meeting a modest increase of oxygen intake and so can be maintained."
Because of today's many new illnesses (hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and other cardiovascular conditions) brought about by modern man's generally inactive physical lifestyle, experts strongly recommend aerobics for everyone.
Aerobic exercise
The common definition of aerobics is simply the activity that consists of low-intensity repetitive motions of mostly the large muscles of the arms and legs for a period of time. This activity increases breathing and heart rate.
Most low-intensity activities you do during the day also fall under this category. It includes such regular activities as walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling.
For individuals who are beginners in exercise programs, or maybe have histories of health conditions, light exercise routines are recommended at first on most days of the week.
Cardiovascular benefits
Experts advise that these aerobic exercises have to be performed at moderate intensity. This level of activity is safe for almost everyone, and it still provides the desired health benefits.
Recent research brings in additional good news. It is revealed that aerobics performers can still have cardiovascular benefits even if the exercise routine (usually 30 minutes total) is broken into three or four 8-10 minute segments, as long as they are of the same intensity.
Doctors, however, discourage infrequent bouts of high-intensity aerobics routines. It is found that this approach is not very healthy.
In the first place, reduction in risks of hypertension, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and other conditions depends on the total volume of the exercise done, rather than on intensity.
Higher intensity exercise activities raise your chances for muscle or joint injury. Worse, it may trigger fatal consequences because of heart rhythm disturbances.
Aerobics instructors always begin their sessions with light stretching and low-intensity movements for about 5 to 10 minutes. This warm-up routine is important to avoid injury. At the end of the routine, a similar cooling-down period for about 5 to 10 minutes is also done.
As had been proven these years, people who engaged in regular aerobics have been known to benefit by way of lower blood cholesterol counts, lower blood pressure, toned body because of fat reduction and beneficial weight loss.
They have been known to have developed muscular and overall body endurance, have a happier disposition and moods, and a medically-certified general lower risk to cardiovascular diseases.
Common activities
The best part is the easy way on how to do your aerobics, even without going to the gym and participating in gym routines.
Doctors recommend a simple walk that totals around 10,000 steps a day. Start with something lower, and add the number of steps slowly everyday until you reach your goal.
Done on a regular basis, brisk walking is guaranteed to erase your common health risks. Your need for aerobics is not be that hard to fill up.
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