Aerobics For Kids

It is important to teach kids early about health and fitness. Involving them in exercise and aerobics would not only help them understand health but also help them direct their energies into movements and practices that would be productive and at the same time, beneficial in the long run.

According to studies, about 25% of children and teens do not have any "vigorous physical activity." About 14% children and teens report no physical activity like walking or cycling, everyday. This can be one of the reasons why the number of children has doubled since the early 1970s. In 2000, 19% of children, 6 to 11 years old, and 17%, 12 to 19 years old, are considered overweight.

Those who are involved in physical activities, reduce the risks of developing health problems as they grow older. Exercising reduces the risks of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease. But making your child follow a 30 minute exercise video is no fun for your kid. There are fitness centers that have children workout program, they would include biking, swimming, walking, marching, playing games to introduce low, moderate and high impact aerobics and physical activity.

Introducing children and teens to aerobics would help them become more active and at the same time, change their outlook towards the lifestyle they will be having as they grow old. There are also fitness centers which offer exercise programs suitable for children and teens, based on their age, skill and of course, their fitness and personal condition.

There are also CDs and DVDs that mix an aerobic workout with dances and other fun ways. Teens and older children may enjoy dancing to hip-hop and modern dances. Some would also show interest in doing aerobic dances, kickboxing, yoga and Pilates. You could also help your child participate in school-organized sports and activities.

There are guidelines that should be kept in mind when involving your child in physical activity according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1997) and the Council for Physical Education for Children (1998). Children should at least be physically active within 30 to 60 minutes on all or most of the days of the week. Moderate to vigorous activity a day should last for about 10 to 15 minutes. Playing games and activities like biking, walking, running, etc. should also be included in the child's activities.

To encourage physical activity, make sure to implement rules that would lead to healthier lifestyle. This would include setting time for watching television and computer games. Aside from that, make sure that your child would be eating meals not in front of the television or computer. This would promote or give time for parents to talk to children during meals.

The easiest way to teach and encourage children to exercise is to set an example. Obesity and overweight problems are not just children health concerns, alarmingly, a lot of adults also suffer from these health problems. The family exercising together helps the family build stronger and closer relationships. Aerobics would not only benefit your child, but the whole family as well.

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Aerobics During Pregnancy

Everybody can benefit from exercise, even those who are handicapped. The elderly would exhibit health improvements when performing low-impact exercises. Pregnant women would also benefit from low-impact aerobic exercises. Those who practice aerobics while pregnant would experience easier labor and child-birth.

There are also studies that showed women who have been performing aerobic exercises have reduced risk of undergoing caesarean operation/ surgery, quicker recovery whether it is physical or from postpartum depression. These women would also shed pounds gained during pregnancy, faster. Overall, women would testify that they had healthier pregnancy compared with other women.

Exercising while pregnant does not mean that soon-to-be-mothers would carry on the same pace or exercises they were doing prior to pregnancy. Since expecting mothers are practically sustaining two lives in their bodies, they should not be exerting too much in their exercises. Pregnant women are recommended to perform aerobic exercises for not more than 30 minutes. When exercising too much, the body temperature of both mother and child could increase. This could cause problems with the baby, excessive heat during the first trimester could cause birth defects. While later on during second trimester, it could trigger premature birth.

To avoid hyperthermia or excessive heat, exercises can be performed early in the morning when the weather is cooler. Pregnant women should drink plenty of water and avoid exerting too much force or energy, like weightlifting. Places like saunas and steam rooms should be avoided. As all pregnant women know, exercises which would make the abdomen and the stomach vulnerable should be avoided by all means. Jumping movements should also be avoided.

Light weight-lifting can also be practiced by pregnant women. This would be able to prepare them for carrying the baby after birth. Although, experts would always recommend that before proceeding to any kind of aerobic routine or program, doctor's advice is very important. Other forms of exercise which could be carried out during the first trimester would include swimming, walking, and there are special aerobic programs designed for pregnant women. While exercising, it is important to keep eat and keep your body hydrated.

During the second and last trimester, the weight of the baby could have an effect on your movements. Maintaining your balance is hard since the weight could provide stress in your joints. During this time, marching in place could replace your usual exercise routine. Exercises which would require you to bend over, spin and quick turning movements can cause the mother to lose balance and result into injury.

Use caution as you move across the floor. You may want to try a prenatal water aerobics class if one is offered in your community. It offers many of the same benefits as aerobics on land- a workout for your heart and body and the camaraderie of other expectant mothers without the stress on your joints or the risk of injury or a fall.

Even though aerobics has many benefits, doctors may not recommend it to some pregnant moms especially if they show signs of preeclampsia or worsening hypertension. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) also cautions pregnant women against aerobic exercises that would require them to lie on their backs when they're about 20 weeks pregnant. Generally, if a pregnant woman is experiencing unusual symptoms like pain, bleeding, rapid heartbeat or dizziness, exercises should be stopped.

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Aerobic And Anaerobic Exercises

Aerobics is basically a form of aerobic exercise with the purpose of improving one's overall fitness that includes muscular strength, flexibility and cardio-vascular health. The development of this particular method of exercise, termed aerobic, was attributed to Dr. Kenneth Cooper and Col. Pauline Potts.

Puzzled by people with excellent muscular strength to perform poorly in such simple physical tasks as walking, running, swimming or bicycling, Dr. Cooper started measuring people's abilities to use oxygen doing these physical activities.

Later, he published a book which provided the exercise methods that became the basis for today's modern aerobics programs.

Aerobic exercise

In a literal sense, "aerobic" means "with oxygen". It is the use of oxygen in the manufacturing of energy as performed by the muscles.

Aerobic exercise is any type of physical exercise performed at moderate levels of intensity for a period of time. In this exercise, oxygen is used to "burn" fats and sugar to produce adenosine triphosphate which is the basic carrier of energy in the cellular level.

In order for fats to burn completely during a physical exercise, it needs oxygen. The moderation required in an aerobic exercise enables the muscle cells to be continuously supplied with enough oxygen.

Examples of aerobic activity would include running long distance at moderate speed. (Sprinting is not an aerobic exercise.) Playing single tennis is considered an aerobic activity because the action is near-continuous. Golf and doubles tennis, however, are not considered aerobic activities because of their more frequent breaks.


Aerobics is the general term used for exercises that combine several elements

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Aerobic Kickboxing

There are different types and routines in aerobics. And one of them is aerobic kickboxing. Aerobic kickboxing should not be confused with kickboxing which is a self-defense technique. With aerobic kickboxing, which is also called cardio kickboxing, you could lose about 800 calories within an hour. Aside from losing weight, cardio kickboxing is also great in building lower and upper body strength.

Aerobic kickboxing starts just like any other kind of aerobic exercise, with a five to ten minutes of warm-up. After that, it would be the kicking and punching which would end up with another five minute cool-down. This aerobic exercise combines martial-arts, self-defense, boxing and music. A person who is performing this would be able to learn the basics of these parts. For example, basic boxing stance is taught. Punches like jabs and hooks, kicks like side kicks are taught.

Kickboxing is thought to have originated from Muay Thai. But aside from the Thai boxing influences, aerobic kickboxing also uses karate skills to develop flexibility, strength and endurance in one cardiovascular exercise. Those who practice aerobic kickboxing would also testify that it was able to help them build their self-confidence, self-esteem, self-control and develop a positive attitude towards exercising and work-out.

In addition to that, it can also reduce levels of stress and increase the individual's stamina and energy. Imagine, learning self-defense and keeping your personal fitness in check in an hour or less in a day. But as great as it is, there should be considerations before practicing aerobic kickboxing.

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Aerobic Equipment

Aerobics is not only good for your body but also for your overall health. It is also a great way of losing weight and keeping the unwanted pounds away. Although aerobic exercises are good as it is like kickboxing, walking, jogging or similar routines, using aerobic equipments would make exercising more fun and at the same time burn calories faster.

There are different kinds of equipment which could be used for different aerobic exercises.

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Aerobic Dance

Aerobic dancing combines exercises and different forms of dances like ballet and jazz into an exercise routine. They are usually considered low-impact exercises and slower paced compared with other aerobic routines, although there are also fast-paced routines. Because of these characteristics, they are very ideal for those who need low-impact routines like the elderly, overweight and those who are pregnant.

What makes aerobic dance an interesting routine is, of course, its music. There are different types of music which can be used for different aerobic dances, there are different speed and style variations of aerobic dances. There are guidelines for aerobic music. It is usually about 120 to 124 beats per minute for step aerobics. For low-impact exercises, it is usually about 136 to 148 beats per minute. Beginners would dance or sweat it out with slower beats.

Aerobic dance could be classified into high-impact exercises, low-impact, step aerobics and water dance aerobics. High impact exercises, as its name implies, would involve intensive exercises which includes jumping actions synchronized with the music. Step aerobics uses the step bench, and the water aerobics is performed in waist-deep water.

Aside from the movements along with the music, aerobic dance is also combined with fast or aerobic breathing. This pumps more oxygen into the blood stream, rejuvenating the body. Aerobic dances are usually done from 20 to 30 minutes, practiced for three times a week. The routine is performed just like rhythmic dances, with counts essential in setting the rhythm.

Before proceeding with the routine, getting warmed-up is important. It would usually last for 10 to 15 minutes. These stretching exercises will lower risks of injury and at the same time prepare the body for any extensive movement. After the routine proper, relaxing or cooling down movements for another 5 to 15 minutes will be performed to help the heart and the muscles relax.

Aerobic dancing has many benefits even though they were done or practiced in a fun way. This kind of aerobic workout is a great way to lose weight and at the same time, tone body muscles. It would also help the body develop strength among bones who carry most the body's weight and also toughen cardiovascular muscles.

Just like other exercises, aerobic dance can increase the circulation of the blood, reduce the levels of blood sugar and cholesterol. Because aerobic dancing would include proper breathing exercises, more oxygen is circulated in the heart, lungs and blood vessels which makes the body to function better, produce higher energy and stamina. Its physical benefits would also include boosting of the immune system, preparing the body against colds, flu, etc.

Aerobic dancing is also a great way to keep stress away. This could break the stressful and monotonous routine we have at home, school or in the work place. It can even allow you to develop or practice your creativity, since you can create your own dance steps or routine. If you cannot leave the house to go to a gym, you could do the aerobic exercises at home, learn the steps and pick your own song. How fun it is to stay healthy with aerobics by swaying your hips!

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Aerobic Breathing

Aerobics is one of the ways to lose weight and reduce risks of sickness and complications as a result of obesity and being overweight. It will also improve overall health. Aerobics could help in pumping more oxygen into the blood vessels, which can increase metabolism and burn more fat and calories. Aerobics literally means oxygen. Aerobic exercises are designed to increase oxygen intake. This practice would burn fat and improve health and fitness.

According to studies, about 300,000 adult deaths in the United States can be attributed to the lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating habits. About two thirds of adults in the U.S. are overweight, while about one-third of the adult population are obese. Adults are not the only ones suffering from weight problems. Children and teens with obesity have increased for the last years because of changes in lifestyle.

Would it be possible then to lose weight just by breathing alone?

Breathing is a crucial aspect in different kinds of exercises. In fact, in yoga, breathing properly is important. Breathing exercises could even remove stress and relax the body and mind. Breathing for weight loss is practiced by several aerobic breathing programs. Each program would have their own technique and their own advice.

However, it is important to understand that there is no weight loss program or pill that could produce dramatic results overnight. Obesity and being overweight cannot be resolved by aerobic breathing alone. Of course, proper diet and exercise is still crucial to battle the pounds away. Aerobic breathing can supplement these weight loss programs to acquire better results.

Most of us would only use about 20% of our lung capacity, while 70% of toxic elimination in our body happens when we breathe. Aerobic breathing helps our body maximize its potential. By breathing properly for about 20 minutes a day, you can bring drastic results in your health.

The guiding principle is that breathing can cleanse your body. It could help in flushing out waste, toxins and other pollutants from your body. Diaphragmatic deep breathing techniques could help in reducing cellulite, improve skin tone, blood circulation, digestion and even sleep.

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How to improve health and fitness by gaining weight

November 27, 2009 by  
Filed under Health and fitness

People-especially people who are extremely thin for their frame, age, and height-would be very happy on discovering that they have gained some weight. For them, this weight gain would indicate not simply the condition of their health but also the improvements on their physical built too.

Apart from being an indicator of good health, fitness, and eating a well balanced diet, weight gain would also serves an indicator for an individual's overall improvement in their outlook in life. Though typically, weight gain is an indicator of good health, it may also serve as an indicator if laxity particularly if there are signs of obesity.

To know if weight gain is bad or good for you, it is always best to conduct a research about its indicators as well as of its benefits and drawbacks so you'll have an idea if you're into the honest thing.

What you want to know

Weight gain refers to the increase in somebody's body weight brought by intake of too many calories, absence of physical activity such as regular exercise, or a side effect of specific kinds of medicine. However, it can also be a result of a certain set of workout routine-such as those in bodybuilding-wherein muscles tend to increase re weight.

Experts say that weight gain is mostly done by people due to 2 reasons. One, they want to build muscles for a fit body. This is common to folks who want huge muscles for their jobs such gymnasium instructors, fitness pros, bodybuilding coaches, bouncers, bodyguards, weightlifters, and the like.

The second reason why folk put on weight is because of their health. Weight gain is highly advocated to those people that have lost so much body fat due to dieting and particularly to people who have developed numerous eating defects like anorexia or bulimia. People-especially women who are believed to suffer more from this condition-are advised to gain weight to get over all the body fats and nutrients they have lost.

To know if you are gaining some weight, check for its symptoms like a rounder belly, certain increase in the fat p.c. of the body, increased mass of muscles and increase in the level of body's hydration. Experts say that it can be hard to establish if an individual's weight gain is good or not. This is because people have different individual wants that need to be paid attention to. Although knowing the best weight for somebody's height can be a person's height could be a god indicator, it is always best to talk with a doctor to avoid further complications. For those that are planning to gain weight to guarantee they health and health, these are some helpful tips to get by:

1. Set your focus on set of workouts routines that target how one can increase subcutaneous fat and muscles. This is one of the most effective ways of gaining weight without needing to fret about obesity. Since a person burns only the nonessential fats, he is preparing the ground for the muscles to gain weight.

2. Spend some time for to understand what the perfect weight gain is. Just like in shedding weight, weight gain also needs utmost time and dedication. If one is into weight gain, he or she must make sure that they are serious about it so they are going to get their desired health and level of fitness.

3. Always have a healthy and well balanced diet. For folks who are gaining weight for health and health, this is critical if because it serves as their guide on what sort of food they should eat and the correct quantity of each to get the weight that they desire.

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How to begin with health and fitness

November 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Health and fitness

Health and fitness are topics that are in everyone's mouths. What's the latest trend diet? Does it work? Where are you go for a workout? Are there workouts that guarantee weight loss. These are just some of the questions that folk keep asking these days.

But even if it is the trend nowadays, just a few actually adhere to a healthy general public will still eat junk and will still fill their plates with fats and carbohydrates. Most would still rather sit on the couch and watch Television than work out at the gym or do some jogging. Old habits, of course, die hard. But starting a healthy lifestyle is not really as impossible as you suspect it is. In fact, with commitment and discipline, you can start walking the way to fitness and health. It's going to be hard but imagine the rewards that you will get in return.

People who live healthy will get to enjoy more of their lives, not only re reaching one hundred years old but in enjoying each moment of your life as you are illness-free. Often folk who eat right are more able in performing their jobs in the office and are more in a position to get developments in their careers. These guys do not take leaves of absence and when they do, they employ to have a good time and unwind and not to recover from a bad illness.

People who eat healthy and work out will also have great bodies and are more physically enticing. They are likely to have better sex life and more romantic involvements, which in turn can make them more satisfied with life. These things are chained eventualities. Start in a positive light and you may end with a positive light too.

But despite the numerous benefits that you get from living a healthy way of life, why do folk still stick to their old habits. One of the explanations is naturally the unwillingness. After all, to give up something that you enjoy doing or eating? Most people may be prepared to part methods with what they have been so used to doing. Just imagine exclaiming bye to a comfort food or a pastime that makes you satisfied, will you do it?

Another reason is maybe the difficulty. Most people try to change their methods for various reasons, health issues, relationship problems, relationship woes, even financial but the majority of the time they don't see their plans through. They will try for a week and maybe continue for a couple of weeks and then go back to their old habits after a little time. They do not continue with their plans. One of the main reasons why is the lack of want. To achieve success in combating a bad habit, you need it tough enough. You want it bad enough. You need to make sure that every temptation will not serve as enticement. Occasionally , will power is not enough for this. You also need the support of the people around you. This is why a large amount of the programs now that are created to help people change have a network of support system which may help their members.

So if you would like to live a life of fitness and fitness, make the change now. There are a large amount of advantages to it. You just need to absolutely commit to it and build your own support system.

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How can you live a life of health and fitness

November 17, 2009 by  
Filed under Health and fitness

With cancer cropping up left and right, folk are all of a sudden becoming more conscious with what they eat and do with their bodies. Fad diets have changed into a craze and so are gymnasium workouts and alternative exercise for the body. But despite being the in thing to do at this time, some folk still find it hard to start walking the way to a life of health and health. Of course, when you have already lived a life of debauchery, it is going to be harder to convert and walk the other road even if it is not not as less traveled by.

To help you, these are some of the ways that you can start with your healthy lifestyle.

1. Don't smoke If you do not have the practice of smoking, good for you. Don't try and start as you'll only get addicted with the cigarettes and it is going to be harder to give up when that happens. It isn't right not true that you can smoke and quite when you wish to. It's not. After you become hooked into it, there is no turning back. If you are part of those folks who burn their lungs out each day the best bet is to make a pledge to give up. By doing this, you are halfway to recovery. Confirm though that you are serious with your plans and you are not just doing it for any other reason than your well-being.

2. Reduce the junk One of the strategies you can help in keeping your body healthy is to eat foods that are more natural and with less chemical content. Avoid eating junk foods like those big packs of potato chips or binge on candies. You should also make it a point to lessen your ingestion of meats and consume more vegetables, fruits and seafood. This does not mean that you are going to forgo with meat altogether. You need to still eat meat. The protein that it contains is crucial for some of the basic processes of the body.

3. Skip the Soda and even the iced tea As much as you can, drink water. This is the safest and healthiest drink there is. Sodas even the diet ones, are carbonated and contain raised quantities of sugar and carbohydrates which can later be interpreted into fats. You can also try drinking green tea which can help in the digestive system. Iced tea might be tamer than sodas but these drinks also contain lots of sugar which can pile up in the body. Stick to water and drink lots of it.

4. Stay active Another way to start living a life of health with no need to shell out cash and make tons of effort is to line up an exercise routine each day. You can schedule it each morning when you wake up in the morning or do it at night after work. Whichever schedule you want to, ensure that you keep it to 30 minutes long to an hour. That way, you can exercise those muscles and dodge muscle pains. Exercise will also strengthen your bones and your body, promote better respiring and cellular activity, clear the brain and of course keep those extra calories out of the body. So , even if you eat a lot, you are not storing those fats and carbs. You are expending them through your workout routine.

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