The Essentials of Fitness Gym Equipment

May 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Gym

Putting together a set of fitness gym equipment when operating gym is no walk in the park. Knowing which equipment to group together can be very tricky. Each gym offers a variety of lineup in their gym equipment. Here are several fitness gym equipment that are essential when working out in a gym.

One of the most essential fitness gym equipment is cardio machines. Stationary bikes as well as step climbers are among the most helpful cardio exercises. Therefore, having four of each is good enough for a start-up gym.

Every gym must carry a complete set of benches. From flat to adjustable benches, gym members should have sufficient to pick from. Ideally, the gym should own at least two set of benches so that people can exercise properly. One bench should have barbell rests while the other can be moved around for a variety of exercises. That way, you have a set dedicated to barbell exercises and a set for dumbbell and abdominal exercises.

Cable handles as well as bars are also recommended for different cable exercises. From V-bars to ropes, all of these are part of the machines that will be used for the shoulder, back and even abdominal exercises.

There must be at least two sets of the lighter dumbbell rack set that contains 10lbs up to 50lbs. They will be used constantly and therefore having two sets will prevent long waiting time for members.

Gyms are highly recommended to have two sets of barbell racks. Barbell racks are composed of the regular set and the EZ bar set. As with the dumbbells, each rack must have every weight available for repetitions and may vary hugely most especially when doing circuit training for advanced gym practitioners.

There are dozen ways to make use of your time in a gym but one has to keep in mind that it is important to be practical and make sure that the fitness gym equipment that you use are important and will be useful. You are advised to avoid fitness gym equipment that only exercises a tiny part of your body.

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